This sector covers all activities involving the production of material goods through processes that transform raw materials.
Smart factories need to manage the life cycle of products in a new end-to-end way. Our experience in the manufacturing world has enabled us in recent years to provide companies with state-of-the-art MES (Manufacturing Execution System). With these systems, they can streamline the entire production cycle, optimise processes, increase quality and shorten time to market.
All commercial activities directed towards selling consumer goods through physical shops, e-commerce or other distribution channels.
There are new business models for retail: Chatbots, mobile and web apps, artificial intelligence, IoT, beacons, and captive portals, to name but a few. We therefore offer customers an innovative, omnichannel, personalised shopping experience through a customer journey that leverages the attributes of the physical store without neglecting the link with online channels.
This sector includes all those commercial activities that aim to offer and/or make available services of various kinds.

The services sector needs to develop new business models enabled by digital innovation, and tools that can anticipate an increasingly specific demand. We enable companies in this sector to embark on a path of innovation in order to understand which transformation applications are best suited to their business, so that they are always associated with speed, omnichannelality and security.
The finance sector is a branch of the economy that deals with the provision of financial and insurance services to consumers and businesses.
Growing competition in the insurance world - and the financial world - has highlighted the need to optimise customer relations through the use of new digital tools. We streamline processes, minimise risks, modernise back-office workflows and integrate systems with diversified payment tools.
An industry that produces chemicals and drugs for the purpose of treating and preventing illness, and improving people’s health.
Chemical and pharmaceutical products and production cycles have to meet certain standards. We achieve these with management software that ensures that companies are in compliance with fundamental requirements, such as those of the Validation Plan, which are imposed by the relevant regulations on traceability and safety, and which are necessary in order to place products in the appropriate sales circuits.
Public sector
The public sector consists of the administrations and government institutions that manage public services and common assets.
We meet the Public Administration's need for more flexible operating models: promoting remote working, digitising document flows, simplifying access to documents for citizens. We promote a smart dimension in both working practices and document management.
Encompasses all activities relating to the design, production and marketing of motor vehicles.
The new responsible and sustainable direction taken by the motor industry requires a transformation of production models and processes, which necessarily influence purchasing behaviour. This is why we provide digital tools to keep you on track through new production and marketing dynamics.
Activities, services and technologies that safeguard health and the prevention, treatment and management of illness, both physical and mental.
Digitisation as a driver for addressing patients’ needs and, above all, the challenges that the pandemic emergency put in our way. We assist public and private healthcare facilities and diagnostic centres to define the best data management architectures, be these on-premise, full cloud or hybrid, thereby increasing security and scalability, and reducing costs.
Wide range of industries involved in the production, processing and marketing of foodstuffs.

Ensuring traceability and product quality, and enabling Agrifood organisations to compete in increasingly global and complex markets. A strategic process of high logistical efficiency: from supply to sale, with strict control of traceability and re-traceability requirements.
Supply Chain
Area of activity involving the management of goods, products and people across modes of transport including road, rail, sea and air.
Automation of the supply chain has revolutionised the way logistics and transport companies are organised. This is why we enable companies to natively integrate Automatic Data Acquisition devices for reading barcodes, and to always know the quantity of items present at a given site and to accurately calculate average stocking times for goods, batches and loading units.